There is very active development on the website and our IT infrastructure at the moment. All to often company websites stagnate and die, but as social media evolves with TikTok being the current trend (we have just joined!) the humble website is still very relevant.
So our first step has been very much the back end. This very site you are reading is now hosted on our brand new Dell Server, one with 40 cores, 192GB of ram and 50TB of storage no less! We call this the Fusion Cloud. This server with it's huge amount of redundant resources allows us to do all kind of clever things wherever we are.

Step two has been developing the website. Whilst it would be lovely to have a super polished website by an external web developer, that just would divert too much of our resources for now. And in any case we still have to provide all the content anyway, so may as well just do it in house. This will improve over time with the current plan to add 2-3 new pages a week, the most recent being on the crazy world of Laser Safety (or lack thereof). We are also looking to introduce an online shop for event consumables, and now with our extra work space start adding photos and videos of our own services and products.